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Aug 6, 2021 by Mindspun

Adding Comments to Ghost

Easily adding comments is not a feature that Ghost has out of the box.  Fortunately there are multiple methods for adding comments, depending on your requirements, and they are all relatively straightforward.  This article will show you how to add the two of the most popular third-party options: Disqus and Facebook. Ghost Comments with Disqus

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Aug 3, 2021 by Mindspun

Ghost Registration Form

The Ghost platform allows the user to easily capture registration information using the built-in subscription mechanism. Subscription information is stored in the internal database and may be read via the admin UI, downloaded as a CSV or accessed via the API. Once a user enters their address and clicks subscribe, Ghost automatically validates the user’s

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Apr 11, 2020 by Mindspun

nofollow links in Ghost

Along with good content, links are the most important aspect of your site.  They are a significant factor in page ranking, and they help users navigate your content.  In this guide, we’ll go over HTML links, including how to add ‘nofollow’ links in the Ghost editor.  We’ll show a quick and easy process for generating

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