Payments - WordPress Plugin

Payments – WordPress Plugin

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Mindspun Payments – Change Log


  • Show the definition of webhooks as JSON on the status page.
  • Fix the setup message on the settings page.


Release: 7/1/2024

  • Coupon and Promotion Code support for both on-time and subscription products.
  • Make the Getting Started UI in the admin panel more findable.
  • Expanded product list information in the ‘Products’ page.
  • Better checkout block template and help text.


  • Allow null customer IDs on the payments page to be less impacted by incorrect data.
  • Update facade documentation for payments.


  • Fix a styling issue with the features’ inner block of products.
  • Don’t use the price nickname for display.


  • Exclude email custom post types from the sitemap.


Release: 6/1/2024

  • Add the express block for digital wallet checkout.
  • Email add-on to send block-configured system emails – including when a product is bought.
  • Fun confetti add-on for completion events.
  • Allow updating the cart via the query string for product URLs.
  • Save the theme CSS when the plugin is updated and add a distinct version number.
  • Add a ‘not setup’ message for the products page before configuring the plugin.
  • Don’t enqueue stripe.js before the plugin is configured.


  • Save the user_id to the session later during checkout.
  • Fix clearing orders during the ‘Getting Started’ wizard.


  • Clear plugin data better during the setup wizard and reset.
  • Check that the add-on file exists before including it.
  • Update the setup notices text.
  • Catch output from the plugin provider.
  • Print call_user_function information if defined in the critical error handler.


  • Ensure order item IDs are correctly set when an order is loaded from a cart.


  • Defer loading add-ons until the plugin-loaded action.
  • Don’t load the SliceWP add-on unless the SliceWP core is installed.


Release: 4/26/2024

  • Create an ‘Add-On’ page that allows plugin functionality to be selectively enabled.
  • SliceWP integration.
  • Owner block.
  • WordPress repo Add-On for hosting themes and plugins.
  • Improved license management.
  • Add orders table and page.
  • Improved JS and admin loading.


  • Fix for javascript issues in the download block on
  • Fix a rendering issue on the licensing account block.


  • Plugin page fixes for links.


  • Remove the ‘View Details’ link from the plugin page.


Release: 3/4/2024

  • Remove the unused cover attribute from the checkout block.


  • Improve margins in the login template.
  • Prevent default form submission on login actions in the block editor.
  • Fix the tooltip text of the block view buttons.


Release: 2/29/2024

  • Download and install Responsive Blocks from
  • Better user role logging.
  • Create a new login page template.
  • Only register blocks when the plugin is licensed.
  • Adjust the generated plugin theme and improve the plugin theme implementation.
  • Upgrade stripe-php and fix php 8.x deprecation warnings.
  • Add a clear purchases option to the installer.
  • Always use the same color for the view icon.
  • Add a confirmation for ‘Reset Everything’ on the Labs page.
  • Use split names for addresses and save the values in the database.
  • Add admin notices to prompt the user if the plugin hasn’t been set up yet.
  • Remove old shortcodes from the Product details page.
  • Title case the reset password button title in the Login block.


  • Standardize empty block names.
  • Set pay_session_id cookie in REST API handler without overwriting other cookies.
  • Add @mindspun/wpx to the package build.
  • Fix a debug warning in license keys.


  • Major refactor based on beta feedback.
  • Full block support in addition to shortcodes.
  • New shortcode design with the ability to customize shortcodes using blocks.
  • Better Stripe subscription handling.
  • Stripe theme updates, including being able to specify fonts.


  • Fixes a bug in settings save.


  • Add a ‘features’ editor to the product page for templates and associated shortcodes.
  • Change the displayed plugin name to ‘Mindspun Payments’.
  • Automated plugin updates for subsequent versions.
  • Add REST API endpoints for JWT management.
  • Allow a logout POST request without a nonce for cached pages.
  • Fix HTTP_HOST when run via the wp-cli.
  • Add a default image for products.
  • Fix button sizing for ‘Add to Cart’ on error.


  • Don’t show the access panel in the post editor for custom post types without meta fields.


  • Add the ability to specify SameSite for JWTs.
  • Fix the password visibility icon on mobile.


  • Add the ability to extend allowed_redirect_hosts for login redirects.
  • Add JWT support for external services to use WordPress as an identity provider.
  • Allow changing the name and filename for downloads on the product details page.
  • Give a warning about limited functionality on the welcome page for local installations.
  • Add the ability to specify a login page in the welcome page.
  • Improved locking mechanism for protected pages.
  • Remove noindex pages from the sitemap.
  • Refactor access on the post editor for a more consistent UI.
  • Add the ability to toggle visibility on admin password fields.


  • Fix a bug in admin CSS versioning.


  • Add a better welcome success message with a link to the products page.
  • Make the account shortcode tabbed by default.
  • Add environment type to the status page.
  • Make the default color for the plugin icon gray instead of the fill color.


  • Add the ability to control how subscriptions are added to the shopping cart.
  • Expand the shortcodes documentation on the ‘pages’ admin page.
  • Add X-Robots-Tag: noindex header for redirected pages.
  • Change the post meta box access checkbox to a toggle switch.
  • Remove the users_can_register check from the register template.


  • Fix a bug in the Javascript error display for the ‘Add-to-Cart’ button.


  • Initial Beta release