Mindspun Hosting allows direct SSH access to every site. When you SSH to a site, you run inside a dedicated container that isolates access from other sites on the server and the base server itself. You may access or change any file on your site. Setup SSH Keys All SSH access is passwordless, using SSH

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Using rsync is the easiest way to update your site continuously. Mindspun Hosting uses rsync over SSH to ensure all traffic to and from your site is transmitted securely. WARNING: You may overwrite any file on your site, so it is possible to break it. Test this process with a development site first to ensure

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Mindspun hosting does not allow FTP access to your site but instead uses the far more secure SFTP. Note: not FTPS. Depending upon your OS, there are numerous clients available, but in this How-To, we’ll use the command-line version, where the commands are nearly the same regardless of the operating system. Authentication Authentication is passwordless

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