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Clickbait Titles You Should Be Using

Suppose you’re an online blogger or content marketer. In that case, one thing you must understand to achieve success is how to craft compelling SEO compliant headlines that can also act as clickbait and gain prospective readers’ attention. Keeping track of things like keywords, power words, popular references, and more are all part of building a compelling article title that will get people to read your content. This can be tricky to do because there is so much to consider and keep track of. But there are many tools available online to help you conduct research and figure out how to pull together all of the elements of compelling clickbait titles that search engines and readers alike will love.

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The Importance of Clickbait Titles

Co-Founder of, Peter Koechley, has stated that there are often massive differences between good and bad headlines. When conducting tests on headlines, they observed differences in traffic ranging between 20% and 50% to as much as 500%. It’s important to remember that the headline is the first thing that an audience will see, and if it isn’t “click-worthy” enough, they won’t read your article. Compelling headlines are a large part of what can make something go viral.

Tips For Improving Your Clickbait Titles

Your headline’s primary goal is to grab the attention of your readers and encourage them to click on the link. Should they go to your article, it then becomes your job to keep them there. Use appropriate subheadings (H1, H2, H3, etc.) and bold important words so that your content is easily scannable and readers can quickly pick out the key information. Here are some of the top five tips to improving your clickbait titles.

1. Using Keywords

When it comes to writing eye-catching, SEO clickbait headlines to entice your readers, your first step should be to note all of the keywords that are relevant to your topic. You can use websites like SEMrush to conduct keyword research on topics that you want to write about. Run the keywords through Google and see what kind of search results it gives you. Most of the SERPs (search engine results pages) will have a specific keyword or a similar phrase included in the title. This will demonstrate how Google displays search results directly related to keywords.

Make sure to include relevant keywords into your clickbait SEO titles to achieve the best search ranking possible through Google’s algorithms. At times it can be challenging to use exact keywords in your clickbait titles that users are actively searching for due to grammatical issues that it can cause. In those cases, you can use a slightly altered version of the keyword that Google will be able to recognize.

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An open laptop on a couch.

2. Using Data

One of the most essential rules of writing compelling articles is to show, not tell. Don’t try to tell readers why your topic is important; show them through your writing. For example, if your article has to do with how to increase your salary or make larger returns on your investments, you can use numbers in your clickbait title to gain your readers’ attention. Presenting topics with numbers adds an element of mystery and intrigue to clickbait titles that can encourage readers to click on your article.

The addition of pop culture references into clickbait titles instantly makes the article more relatable to your readers, particularly if you reference something that’s currently trending. Doing this can assist you in ranking higher in Google’s SERPs. Some examples of references you can use include songs, movies, and popular catchphrases. This can help increase traffic to your article, but you mustn’t try to force these things to fit unnaturally into the SEO title. Additionally, you can conduct competitor research to see what popular trends other people are using in their titles and do something similar.

4. Use of Power Words

Power words are a useful and eye-catching tool that can help your headlines stand out when used properly in SEO clickbait titles. Power words refer to vocabulary that you can use to breathe fresh life into an otherwise dull or boring headline that isn’t likely to attract much attention. Some examples of persuasive power words that you can use in your headlines include “always,” or “never,” if you’re confident about whatever claim you are making, or “new,” and “secret,” if you want to add a touch of mystery and exclusivity to your title.

5. Utilize a Headline Analyzer

If you’re unsure whether a headline you’ve made will work effectively or not, conduct a little research. There are special tools available online that can analyze your clickbait title and determine how effective it is. One example of these sites is CoSchedule’s Headline Analyzer. This analyzer can tell you if your headlines are missing anything essential and will give you a score based on your use of common, uncommon, emotive, and powerful words. It will also examine things like title length and keyword usage, making it a very useful tool for helping you construct clickbait worthy headlines.

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An open laptop, notebook, and pen on a desk.

Final Thoughts

If you’re unable to construct clickbait-worthy headlines that also please Google’s search engine, then you’re not likely to find much success in writing online content. Understanding the components of SEO, keywords, power words, and other elements of what makes a compelling title is very important if you want to be able to attract an audience to your work. It takes some practice, but with the appropriate tools to help you, you’ll be able to learn how to balance the needs of SEO compliance with the enticing elements of clickbait in your article headlines.

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